

What We Collect

We accept and collect clothes made out of any type of fabric. Besides collecting clothes, we also accept towels, bedspreads and blankets, sheets, comforters, towels, tablecloths, handbags and/or backpacks and shoes. We make everything count, as individuals in need often benefit from an array of items.

Who We Help

Non-Profit Organizations, Schools, Police Departments, Fire Departments, Charities, Churches, and various other groups.

How it Works

Clothing Donation Service (CDS) first reaches an agreement with a partner for a fair and appropriate fee to contract our service.

There are no financial obligations in the agreements with our partners, other than our partners provide with us their organization logo in a PDF format which we will place to be used on our containers.

Locations for our containers are obtained/supplied though our partners or by CDS.

CDS provides the containers with the appropriate logo on them, which was provided to CDS. CDS services each location placed at a minimum of three to five times per week. This is to maintain our company standard in keeping all our locations and bins free of any issues and always having a clean appearance

CDS then places our containers after receiving written authorization from the property/landlord owners of all locations. CDS will also obtain all necessary permits.